Sunshine Christmas 2018

We purchase, organize, and deliver thousands of
Christmas gifts to children and their families every year.

Sunshine Christmas is our way of Spreading Sunshine throughout the holiday season. Every December we help businesses and individuals in the community provide Christmas gifts for local children and their families. We deliver Sunshine Christmas trees to sponsoring companies with accompanying paper ornaments that represent a gift to be donated. To participate, We also provide a list of needs to those who choose to sponsor a family. We require two new articles of clothing, two new toys, and at least three books for each child. Expect to spend around $200 per family. During our Sunshine Christmas event you’ll have the opportunity to deliver these unwrapped gifts to their families. This way parents can wrap the gifts on their own, giving Christmas to their children themselves. Coming together as a community to connect with the families we’re serving is one of the greatest service, experiences we have at Sunshine Heroes.

Travis Hansen