Bringing Clean Water to Chunox, Belize

Sunshine Heroes Foundation partnered up with Who Lives and Going Beyond Borders to bring clean water to the community of Chunox. For this project we brought down a new drill and provided training to local residents on its use, maintenance. This drill will improve the health and quality of life immensely to Chunox and impact in several other surrounding communities. by providing clean water. Open wells often lead to contaminated water not suitable for drinking, causing severe illness and other health concerns. While working on the project, our team lifted buckets of water from an open well nearby pulling out debris and even a live turtle! With the implementation of the new water drill, a closed well will tap into the pure aquifer water source far below the depths of a standard open well.

While on this trip, our team was privileged to meet Lidia. A mother of five, two of her children attend school where the water well was drilled. Piped water at the school isn't drinkable, so this project will serve her children alongside 150 more. Clean water from this well will also improve the lives of families in the area who will no longer need to purchase drinking water from a water truck each morning. As the only woman on the drill crew, we asked what motivates Lidia to show up and work so hard. She responded with a smile, "It's a big project. I want to make sure it gets done." These local residents have dreams, and we are honored to provide them with opportunities to fulfill them.

WaterTravis HansenBelize, Water