Bastimentos, Panama

Sunshine Heroes partnered with Give & Surf in 2015 to build a Sunshine Children's Center Bocal Del Toro.. We returned in 2017 to expand this center and increase it's impact. Today, the center includes a classroom, computers, a library, health clinic, playground, and even a small skate park! This is the first and only community center and public computer lab on the Bastimentos Island. Local staff, with support from international interns and volunteers lead and supervise educational programs as well as tutoring services for the 300+ children that live in the Ngobe community with the goal to improve the illiteracy rate, which was over 81% before our programs began. The center is also the first and only American Safety and Health Institute training center in Panama. Classes will provide health and safety information to the local community, teaching them how to properly treat minor cuts and injuries and prevent infections and illnesses.

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Annual Impact: 3,000+

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Project Cost: $42,000

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Local Partner: Give & Surf